Monday, February 3, 2014

Brock the Plan man

I will tell you that I'm hoping this go smoothly

Get the base idea of the characters drawn
(due: Jan 31)
-       Mage (1hour)
-       monk(1 ½ hour)
-       knight(1 ½ hour)
-       archer(1hour)
-       minion(1hour)
-       monster(1 ½ hour)
have a rough frame set of the whole animation
(due: Feb 6)
-       show them entering and meeting the beast (2 hours)
-       show some basic fighting/ unable to get past the monster (3 hour)
-       the monk comes in and  has tea with the monster, putting it to sleep. (1 hour)
start making the enter part
(due: Feb 7)
-       show them walking up to the idle
-       the monster jumping out
-       the minion being summoned/ then hit away
start on the fighting
(due: feb 12)
-       archer shoots it just to have his arrows not even faze it
-       the warrior try’s to hit it with his hammer but the monster takes it from him
-       the mage sends a fire ball at the monster, monster blows it out with a sneeze
start on the monk having tea with the monster and the group getting the idle
(due: march 3)
-       show the monk wants to be peaceful with the monster by them having tea
-       them getting the gem

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